Miles To Millions (by Bill Grenier)
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When he became a commercial pilot at age nineteen, Bill Grenier never imagined that one day he’d be captain of the largest commercial plane the world had seen, flying the highest profile routes of a proud national carrier. Even less could he have imagined, at age nineteen and with barely a penny to his name, that he’d one day be a wealthy man. But he would ultimately control an empire worth nearly a billion dollars.
With liberal doses of wit and humour, Miles to Millions shows what a little luck, lots of perseverance and an appetite for adventure can do. From boarding house to boardroom, from cradle to cockpit, Grenier offers a fascinating story of success both as a commercial pilot and as a businessman. Filled with anecdotes you’d never expect from a single career – from acting as a repo man taking planes for payment to saving hundreds of passengers in a stricken 747 with a collapsed co-pilot – Miles to Millions is a high-flier of a story bound to entertain both aviation experts and enthusiasts alike.
Those 'Millions' aren’t miles, by the way, but dollars earned, as we are treated to how high finance became a dual profession for this pilot. Grenier’s life reads like a Dow Jones Average on wings.